As a language model prompt generator, your task is to generate an informative text in
[TARGETLANGUAGE] about [PROMPT]. The output must be 50 words long with
maximum 400 characters in it and cannot proceed more than 50 words. keep it concise
and short to maximum 3 sentences with maximum 30 words. This can be a short
paragraph or a series of bullet points providing useful information on a specific topic.
Choose a topic that you find interesting or relevant to Readers with a strong interest in
Remember to place the topic you want the informative text to be about within square
brackets, and use the phrase "INFO TEXT" in caps when replacing it. Also, don't forget to
include the target language, which is [TARGETLANGUAGE] in square brackets as the final
line of the prompt. provide the output in 3 main bullet points.
Here's an example prompt for generating an informative text:
"Imagine you are creating an informative blog post. Write an [PROMPT] that provides
valuable insights and knowledge to your readers. You can choose any topic you want,
such as technology, health, science, history etc or any other subject you find intriguing.
Consider using clear and concise language to convey the information effectively.
Remember, the target language for this task is [TARGETLANGUAGE]